Dear Clients,

As you know, we live in strange and difficult times.

After the recent news about the increase in fuel and other commodities that directly and indirectly impact our day-to-day, combined with the scarcity of equipment (trucks and drivers), we have no choice but to inform you that the Fuel Surcharge fee has been suspended.

We are now applying a new surcharge called “Contingency Surcharge”. For more information, please contact your Garland contact person.

This difficult decision of ours has a single purpose: to keep our level of service unchanged, despite the adverse context, guaranteeing the commitments assumed with our clients regarding the transport of their goods.

We are sure that you understand our decision, we thank you once again for the trust placed in the Garland Group.

Fuel Surcharge


Given the recent evolution of fuel prices and uncertainty as to their progress – dictated by the variation of international petrol prices and national fiscal charges – Garland Transport Solutions is required to maintain a fluctuating surcharge cost.

The fluctuations in price imply an alteration in the surcharge, in accordance with the table below. The Surcharge Table ranges to be applied are revised annually based on the average value of the previous year and the value of the last day of the year.

On the first week of every month, there is a review of the average price for the previous month (source: from the Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia do Ministério da Economia – Average daily continental diesel price).


Average Price of 2024 (anual average) - 1.5785 €
Price 31st December 2024 – 1.6098 €


Average Price January 2025 (month average) - 1.6492 €
(Applied to services in February)

From To Fuel Rate Apply
1.6292 € 1.6488 € 1.01%
1.6489 € 1.6687 € 1.51%
1.6688 € 1.6888 € 2.00%
1.6889 € 1.7091 € 2.48%
1.7092 € 1.7298 € 2.96%
1.7299 € 1.7506 € 3.43%
1.7507 € 1.7717 € 3.90%
1.7718 € 1.7931 € 4.36%
1.7932 € 1.8147 € 4.82%
1.8148 € 1.8366 € 5.27%
1.8367 € 1.8587 € 5.72%



Dada a recente evolução dos preços dos combustíveis e alguma incerteza quanto à sua progressão – ditada pela variação dos preços do petróleo ou por alteração na carga fiscal – a Garland Transport Solutions decidiu manter a sobretaxa de combustível.

As variações de preço implicarão uma alteração da taxa, conforme tabela abaixo. Os intervalos da Tabela Sobretaxa a aplicar é revista anualmente baseada no valor médio do ano precedente e no valor do ultimo dia do ano.

Na primeira semana de cada mês, é apresentado o valor médio do mês anterior (fonte: da Direção Geral de Energia e Geologia do Ministério da Economia – Preço médio diário no Continente, Gasóleo).


Valor Referência Médio de 2024 (média anual) - 1.5785 €
Valor 31 de Dezembro de 2024 – 1.6098 €


Valor referência em Janeiro 2025 (média do mês) – 1.6492
(A aplicar em serviços de Fevereiro)

Desde Até Sobretaxa Aplicável
1.6292 € 1.6488 € 1.01%
1.6489 € 1.6687 € 1.51%
1.6688 € 1.6888 € 2.00%
1.6889 € 1.7091 € 2.48%
1.7092 € 1.7298 € 2.96%
1.7299 € 1.7506 € 3.43%
1.7507 € 1.7717 € 3.90%
1.7718 € 1.7931 € 4.36%
1.7932 € 1.8147 € 4.82%
1.8148 € 1.8366 € 5.27%
1.8367 € 1.8587 € 5.72%